Injuries and Pain
Get back to active, pain-free living with tools for healing.
Acupuncture is an effective tool when dealing with acute and chronic pain. Acupuncture increases circulation and releases pain relieving chemicals in the body. Direct needling of specific muscles and fascia causes postural changes in the body and this has a direct impact on pain. Massage Therapy and Acupuncture are very effective when used together in the treatment of myofascial issues.
Most people experience immediate pain relief after an acupuncture session. Continued treatments are recommended depending on how long you’ve been dealing with the issue.
Usually within 6-8 treatments the effects of pain relief will be long lasting and sometimes permanent. Maintenance treatments may be necessary if your activities aggravate the issue.
Other modalities are often included for pain conditions. Cupping and gua sha are great tools for releasing fascial restrictions and adhesions and can also be very relaxing and sedating. Acupressure is also used to find and alleviate trigger points in muscles. It can also be used to prep the muscles for needling.
The following pain conditions respond well to acupuncture:
- Muscle sprains/strains
- back pain
- neck pain
- shoulder pain
- headaches
- migraines
- sciatica
- knee pain
- hip pain
- arthritis
- chronic/acute pain