Candice Jones RAc
Candice is a Registered Acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario serving her community in Barrie. She is a graduate of the three year acupuncture program at the Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Academy in downtown Toronto. Her program was based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and included training in cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, electro acupuncture, tuina and eastern nutrition. Candice uses acupuncture to treat many women’s health conditions, anxiety, stress and pain. She is currently working towards an advanced certification in Acupuncture Sports Medicine.
In addition, her professional course work includes the following:
Fascial Techniques for the Spine
Anatomy Trains
Visceral Manipulation 1
Barral Institute
Craniosacral Therapy 1
Upledger Institute
Posturology 101
Integrative Approaches to Cervical Pain
Integrative Approaches to Extremity Pain
Integrative Approaches to Shoulder Pain
Neurosomatic Educators